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We’ve used words and phrases about open employment on this website that we think need more explanation. You can find a full list of them here.
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A Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) is a test Centrelink uses when people apply for the Disability Support Pension (DSP).
Job carving is when you work with an employer to create a job that fits your skills and abilities.
See Customised employment. Customised employment is when a job is made to fit the skills, interests, strengths and support needs of a person with disability. They also meet the needs of the employer’s business. Read more → close X
The main income support payment for people between 22 years and Age Pension age who are looking for a job or who are not working.
Local Area Coordinators (LACs) help people understand and access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). They also work with NDIS participants to develop and use their NDIS plan.
A microenterprise is a small business that has been set up as an employment opportunity for a person with intellectual disability.
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