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We’ve used words and phrases about open employment on this website that we think need more explanation. You can find a full list of them here.
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Work Assist is provided by some DES providers for people who already have a job, but need support to keep their job. It used to be called the Job in Jeopardy program.
DES-DMS is a Disability Employment Services (DES) service for people with disability, an injury or a health condition who need help to find a job. It also supports some people while they work.
DES-ESS is a Disability Employment Services (DES) that helps people with permanent disability find a job. It also provides regular, ongoing support while they help them keep a job.
Disability Employment Services (DES) is the Australian Government’s employment service that can help people with disability find work and keep a job in open employment.
The Disability Support Pension (DSP) is a payment the Australian Government makes to people with a permanent physical, intellectual or psychiatric condition.
Discovery is the first stage of finding someone a job through customised employment.
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