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Like apprenticeships, traineeships give people the chance to study, earn an income and learn on the job as part of getting a qualification.
The main differences between an apprenticeship and a traineeship are:
- a traineeship can cover a broader range of jobs
- a traineeship can be for a shorter period of time than skilled trades
- a traineeship is run either part-time or full-time, or can be started when someone is still in school
- with a traineeship, you can be employed and trained for between one to two years.
Traineeships can be a good way for people with intellectual disability to get a job in open employment.
Intellectual disability describes a range of impairments, experiences and characteristics. It can involve difficulty with communication, memory, understanding, problem solving, fine and gross motor skills, and everyday life skills.Read more Open employment is when people with and without disability work together in regular jobs.
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