DES Job Plan
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A Job Plan lists what you will do to find and keep a job, and how a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider will help you.
A Job Plan tells you:
- the hours Centrelink has assessed you are capable of working. It bases this on its assessment of the effect your disability has on how much work you can do
- the steps you and your DES provider need to take to help you find and keep a job.
A Job Plan should help you to get ready for work, learn new skills, find a job and keep working.
If you have mutual obligations, then a Job Plan also talks about the things you need to do to keep getting your Disability Support Pension (DSP). Your obligations usually include:
- looking for and accepting work that is right for you
- going to appointments with your employment services provider (e.g. DES provider)
- going to job interviews
- other things that might help you find and keep a job.
If you have had a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) or Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) then your Job Plan uses information from these assessments.
A DES provider is responsible for making sure your Job Plan is always up to date.
Centrelink is an Australian Government service that provides payments and services to people who need them.Read more Mutual obligations are things people need to do to keep getting some Australian Government payments from Centrelink. They usually apply to payments like the JobSeeker Payment, not the Disability Support Pension (DSP).
Read more The Disability Support Pension (DSP) is a payment the Australian Government makes to people with a permanent physical, intellectual or psychiatric condition.
Read more A Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) is a test Centrelink uses when people apply for the Disability Support Pension (DSP).
Read more An Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) is a test done by Centrelink. This test helps Centrelink decide what kind of employment service you need to help you find and keep a job.
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